Thursday, July 12, 2007

Musings on the current state of affairs...

There comes a time in everyone's life, when you just want to break free and get away.
Usually this time in a man's life comes @ 30-40.
But for me and many youngsters like me, it has arrived sooner than expected.
After a year @ the job, the constant monotonous routine of everyday life becomes boring. Sometimes you just want to let go and fly away from this hectic life..

Most people percieve the Software industry to be a place to make quick bucks and get rich soon. Let me tell you from my personal opinion that it is not a realistic picture of things. Yes, there is money. But also it comes attached with a lot of sacrifies. Both personal and professional.

For the young kids out of college, they are lured by the grand picture and big pay cheques. But never once do they stop and think, IS this what they really want to do with their lives ?? Is this what they want to be ??

Many people i know after a year in the industry are already thinking and planning for a different career role. Many prefer a management role these days. But my take on this is , how can things be different there ? Management today looks & feels like the IT of yesterday. It will be the same people running the show there as well.

SO you gotta ask yourself, what is it that you want to really be in your life. what is it that you want to do and become ? Most people will not be aware of what they want to be right out of college. That is why you have to learn and become aware in your job as to your next plans. i.e. Also the same reason that most people quit their 1st job after 1-2 years. That is because they have decided on their plans.

I dont want to preach and sound moronic, but "the grass i always greener on the other side". So you must make your own choices, take & stand by your decisions . You must not let others influence your decisions, but can always take them into consideration.

Our state of affairs have become a 12-hour work life , 2 hour travelling , 6 hour sleep and remaining to attend to your daily routines. No time for personalizing at all. Where do you find time to pursue your ambitions, learning new things, innovate etc..

For people like me, i would pay anything to spend another year in college with the Entire Gang, doing nothing, sleeping in class and just vetti talking. Sounds like fun all over again..

More on this topic in my next post......

-- Sudar.